Well, went through, you know, all the elementary school and again, really focusing on taking my father’s business over, when I graduated from high school that was where I was gonna head. And then I got the bug, when I went to the zoo I got hooked and that took me down a completely different path. I decided I wanted to go into wildlife, I wanted to test that out. Especially once I was hired as one of the first keepers at the wild animal park. I was in that first cadre of staff up there. It was like being a cowboy, you know, it was in the early days. And it really started to get seeded in me that I like this a lot. And so I started then getting my bachelor’s degree and working on that, I then took a pause on all of that for a couple of years and informed my dad that I was, I thought this was gonna be the toughest conversation I ever had with my dad.