I don’t know if he had to buy a ticket or not for Tia, but close to the downtown train station, it started to have a heart attack or something. I don’t remember this. to give it mouth-to-mouth on the train. Musta been quite an ordeal, giving an orangutan, on an Amtrak, mouth-to-mouth right there, but they get off the train. And then, the paramedics are there, and they can’t save him. This story doesn’t allude to it, but the reason I know this is because I remember my mom saying that Grandfather’s being interviewed. And when they asked him something about “you must feel awful,” his comment was sort of a snarky one, and he said something like “I feel awful that I didn’t insure the thing” or something (laughs) along those lines, I think, which just seemed kinda cold. Yeah.