That’s a little clip they put on your finger, your thumb when you’re in the hospital, and it measures your hemoglobin oxygen saturation. And so that’s, when that goes bad, everything else kind of cascades afterwards. And I remember one of the things, a couple of things that Clint Gray’s philosophy was, which I think he would modify now if he was still with us, was “You only use one drug Bush, don’t ever combine drugs, you gotta know which one are now”, guy, we’re like alchemists, we combine a lot of different drugs to play on the better one of ’em will get ’em down faster, others will stop the tremors, others you can reverse and get out, so now we’re mixing and matching drugs, you know, quite a bit. And then another thing in the animal would be laying there and he’d be breathing, I’d say, “He’s not breathing”, “Oh he’s breathing all right, two or three times a minute. That’s all he needs.” And so I’d say “Clint, try breathing two or three times a minute and see, see how you feel or …” you know, and then people were looking at the pulse ox, and saying the animal’s okay, when it dropped to 80, 85, 89, I’d say “Hold your breath and see if you can get it down to 95.” You know, and you start getting oxygen hunger at 95. You know, you may still have a little bit of color, you might not be blue, but you’re starting to feel it, so that led to us giving more oxygen supplementation, intubating animals, ventilating them, giving drugs that don’t have as much respiratory depression, titrating drugs, giving, getting an animal down, then titrating it by giving it a partial antagonist to get respiration back up, and so those are the things that are gonna continue to improve as we learn more, we get better monitoring, we tweak it a little bit better to make the animal better physiologically, and get the animal up with less after effect, and no, there’s plenty of frontiers out there that we need to push back.