Well it’s like we talked about last night, I think during the first part when we started there, and brought in Dick Montale, and David Wilt, and, you know, we had O’Brien collaborating with us. I think those were the, what you were just phrased as the golden years, and I kind of like to look at that time that’s when the NZP ruled. I mean there were two zoos that were doing, as far as I could see, major advancements, in the areas that I was interested in, and felt that I was being contribution, and that was San Diego and us. We were publishing, we would kind of compete with each other for the number of publications in a yearly zoo journal by the AVMA. But there were other zoos that were doing good work. They didn’t publish in the same way. St Louis had a good zoo, Bronx had a good zoo, you know, Chicago, Brookfield, those were all good zoos, I’m not saying that we were the best, but we were in my opinion, pushing back the, you know, the frontier of ignorance with the help of a lot of collaborators, we didn’t, you know, I don’t, I’m not gonna say I did alone, I had a lot of good people that I was able to collaborate with, and there was some other people that were doing stuff. I’m not saying these other zoos weren’t doing it, but I think we were at the top of our game at that time.