Well I think the main thing in zoos, we have to get people in, so there has to be an educational component, you know, relaxation place to show your kids, you know, I’ve always said to have a zoo, you need a peacock, a zebra, a lion and maybe an elephant, and most people think you’ve got a zoo, but, and then you have to be sneaky about educating them, you know, ’cause people are gonna walk right by. So you’re challenged on making ’em stop, and read about the certain species, because they’ve done studies where people maybe look at the name and maybe look where it’s at, and keep going ’cause the kids want cotton candy, or something like that. So zoos are gonna have to be a little bit more sneaky about, you know, how they educate people without being realized that people are educated. And then, you know, to make it more appealing, we should try to go for the naturalistic exhibits, and we have to be a little bit more careful on what animals we keep, and do they have a conservation basis, you know, are we keeping just a lot of animals to fill up spaces, because we’ve got spaces or we can breed one particular species, we to show that we’ve got a lot of them. I think we need a good program or master plan on what you’re, what species, a collection plan, you know, and that has to be scrutinized, and probably hopefully from some outside sources to get some other ideas in. So I think that’s, and having zoos probably applicable to limited clinical, applicable research to answer, you know, basic problems like I’ve discussed in the past, I don’t think they’re ever gonna, some of them they have maybe a big clientele can sponsor, you know, field studies, or small grants to get kids in the field, but as I said earlier, I think like in Africa doing work there of the type that I have worked on is drying up. But we gained a lot of information there, but it’s dried up. I think that’s kind of what zoos have to be, you can’t get away from the educational component, because we gotta get people in.