Yes, we did, but probably not to the extent, because we probably talked it out more, and I was more familiar, like with Bill Zanton, and I could talk it out and stuff. We didn’t have to write it up on a bulletin board, or anything else, you know, you know, ’cause I’d worked with Bill for so long, and with the Thais, it was just a few, maybe a few months and we were developing an expertise there. But yeah, we had the escape procedure, I had a couple of escapes, and one thing I instituted after thinking about it a while is I wanted a hit list. I didn’t want … If a polar bear or a major leopard got out, I didn’t want them waiting around for me to get a dart together, and find out where they were, and call on the radio, that animal had to be shot, you know, because of public safety. If it was out of the secondary enclosure, now that was part of the deal. If it was just loose out of its cage, and confined in the area, then we’d take care of it, but if it was in public area, and that meant with a lot of concern by a lot of, “Well, we can’t shoot this, you know.” You know, we have a responsibility to the public, you know, we have to be responsive to, we can’t let dangerous animals out. That finally got instituted.