And then at the end of the second year, I was deciding, “Well, what do I wanna do?” I said, when I’d see a case come in, you know, after the first year, you know, there was new stuff coming in, but after the second year there’s always new stuff, but about 85% or 95% of what you were seeing coming through the door every day was something you’d seen. There was nothing new. You know, maybe slight variations, but nothing really new. And I decided, “Well, I’m not sure that, you know, I wanted to do this, because there was no really continual stimulation or challenge for that.” So then I decided, “Well where do I wanna go now?” And I was thinking, well research, I wanted to look at research, and there was a few jobs open, there was a job opening at Johns Hopkins Medical School in comparative medicine, and I decided, “Well, if I wanna do research, I probably better do it now, because there’s smart kids coming out every year, and if I wait and go into practice or do something else, and then decide I wanna do research, you know, there’s gonna be a lot of other bright kids coming up.” And so I was there for five years, and during that time, we were doing the pathology for the Baltimore Zoo, because it was comparative medicine, comparative pathology departments, and so we started seeing a lot of animals coming in from the Baltimore Zoo. They weren’t, some of ’em I did, you know, I was seeing things that should have been treated, should have been detected earlier, should have picked up stuff on preventive medicine, so then I started going out there on my spare time more, I’d stopped by in the morning on my way to work, and stopped by in the way back in the evening, and then go in on the weekend. So that kind of got me hooked, and then I met Clint Gray, and that’s gonna be an interesting story later on in the discussion. And he invited me to apply for the job at the National Zoo.