You know, just look at it.” Well, you know, they’re very, you know, they said. “Deborah, call me back when you want me to do something. I can sit here, I don’t have a, you know, a tricorder like in Star Trek that I can read it.” And so finally one who really got sick, and they finally gave it to me, and Golden lion tamarins are tougher nails, I don’t think I’ve hardly ever remember ever losing one under anesthesia. They’re just … And we started doing some stuff with Golden lion, they started living and we started getting rid of some of their medical problems, and diagnosing some of their genetic problems, and so that was the type, that was the big shift from being proactive on it. And it was the same thing with the bird department, where I wanted to get proactive, and screen a bunch of birds for TB. “Well, they look all right right now.” You know, listen, you know, if they’ve got TB, they’re shedding it continually, and contaminating our environment. So if we’ve got a problem with one bird, we screen every bird in that exhibit and, you know, get really proactive about it.