And it was just total immersion there. We had some of the best, I think diagnosticians in the country, and they just took you under the wing, and within about three or four weeks, you were seeing your own cases, and my gosh, it was such an awareness in you, such a steep learning curve, because in vet school we had clinics only in the afternoon of our senior year where now vet students are in the clinics in their junior year in almost full-time clinics their senior year, which we didn’t have. And I had done one spay while I was in vet school, which is unheard of now, and then you were immersed into that surgery where you had three of the best surgeons at the time, I think, in small animal medicine. And so it was just an immersion. Then you had your overnights at about six weeks, and that’s when all the people that had been mentoring you and everything say “Bye, we’re going home.” And then you’re sitting there with not knowing what’s gonna come in during your overnight, and trying to sleep, and then having people bring animals in that have been traumatized by cars, or had been vomiting for three weeks, and they decided it was time to bring it in at two o’clock in the morning and, or a dog that was itching for a couple of weeks, and they’d tell you, “Well, we come in now, ’cause we don’t have to wait so long.” But that … I didn’t mind the overnights, ’cause a lot of the times it was an emergency that you had to do, but it was those others that kind of stick out that people were kind of taking advantage of it. But it was such a unique experience that after I finished my 15 months there, I said, “Gee, this is … I really wanna explore this” because I think it was right at the time that I still didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I was learning, I was still on a steep learning curve, so I stayed on for another year, and I’d spend all my free time, if I had an afternoon off or a day off, I could come in, scrub in, and sit in surgery, scrubbed in, and they’d just bring cases to me, because some of the senior staff didn’t wanna do routine surgery so I could be sitting doing surgery for six, eight hours a day, which I loved at the time.