So we got access to breeder cheetahs and characterized that, and of course, as a sidelight, we collected some information for the geneticist, Steve O’Brien, who found the monomorphic populations that cheetahs were basically inbred, then that started us off on another direction. But then we also did some traveling, David and I, we started looking at gorillas laparoscopically to try to evaluate female gorillas, and we flew various places and laparoscopied gorillas around the country, to evaluate the status of gorillas, and tried and collector sperm. And zoos were open to this collaboration, or — we didn’t try to force or we presented us as a tool to try to help understand it, and added to the database, and shared all the information right back. And when we’d go to a zoo like that, we would talk to ’em if, you know, “Do you have any other questions or any other expertise that we may be able to help?” So sometimes we’d be there for a, you know, a reproductive exam and then find another case that we’d talk to the veterinarians, and worked with them on that, or sometimes we wouldn’t know, or be able to do anything more, but many times we were able to kind of be a traveling clinic in the early years helping other colleagues. So when you were under Clint in these beginning times, you were on call all the time. When did you start getting some additional assistance, and if you did, had you then moved up, or what was the … Clint Gray was the Head of Veterinary Services for a while, and then he wasn’t there. Yeah.