And I said, “I think we got a problem here.” And we had hundreds of people around, you know, they all had their white coats, and they were, you know … And so I did a biopsy of a lymph node, we gotta take a lymph node out. So I took a biopsy and I set it down, and everybody would taking tissue, we weren’t getting any, and I had Dick Montale waiting for tissue back in at Washington. So finally I gave it to Lynn Jean and I said, “Don’t let anybody take this piece of tissue.” Then I said, “Okay, now we gotta get a bone marrow.” So I did a bone marrow on the iliac crest, and made some slides, hand the slides down, slides were disappearing right and left. Every one was taken. So finally we had, we cornered enough of our stuff, and then we got a blood sample, and I held it so that nobody could mug me and take it away from me. And we get back, and we rode, we’re riding back to the airport, ’cause we didn’t, you know, we flew in and flew out the same day, we’re riding back in a panel band that didn’t have any seats in it. So we’re sitting down the floor, and I was talking to him, I said, “I’m 99% sure that this animal has lymphoma.” I said, “Now the thing to do with this is” I said, “Start out very cautiously by just giving it steroids”, and I said, “You’ll get some remission, the lymph nodes will go down, the animal will feel better, and then we can start on, you know, giving a slow buildup on some of the chemotherapy stuff.