And later on, they bred and had a baby, after I’d left, but they had a baby. And I made one huge mistake, one huge mistake. A cosmetic mistake, but it was huge. We kept calling these pink dolphins, ’cause that’s what they call them down there, pink dolphins. Actually, George Dolan, I said they were pink porpoises, and my friend Dolan says, “No, I’ve read them up, about in Encyclopedia Britannica, and they’re not porpoises, they’re dolphins.” Well now, Pinky Paddles Porpoise, that’s the way it works. He even wrote an article about it in the column, you know, saying, I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about. And I’m naming these animals and they’re not porpoises, just because the name starts with a P and all that. Well, he was a very good writer.