Somebody from your zoo called me and said, “Do you know so and so?” And I said, “Yes, I know him well.” “What’s he doing with, I think it was a snow leopard that he says belongs to you?” And I said, “He’s performing with it, and it does belong to me.” And it may have been you, but whoever it was said, he said, “You took the words right out of my mouth. What do you own a performing leopard for?” And I said, “Well, I’ll tell you, let me tell you. They have a very good leopard act.” They have very good. They had previously, they went to Europe or someplace, and they didn’t take the act. And they brought the cages out to our farm, a different one out here, and paid Anne, our daughter, could take care of the leopards. And boy, boy, they were rough, tough leopards. If I walked anywhere near their cages, they would hit the wire instantly. She could water and feed, crate.