We had, when I started it was a volunteer veterinarian. Which was a concern for the AZA because they thought if they’re volunteering obviously you’re not getting good medical attention, and they’re only doing it when they have time, but we actually did pretty good with that. And we had some people that were very interested and donate a lot of time and were always able and on call, if we didn’t take something there with the smaller ones they could bring bigger. They would come and do, you know, the dental work on the lions. You know, you’d involve them and you’d try to use the press as we were talking about earlier. And you’d get a local dentist to come and, you know, you try to make it a community project of oh isn’t this nice, we’re all working together. So it was kind of that buy-in. But we did end up, after we had that concern with the AZA, we did put them on a part-time retainer.