Well, I worked at large mammals and then I became a keeper at the hospital. I worked with Mitch Bush up there. And then the Smithsonian decreed that there weren’t enough women in management, so I applied for a job in management and it was between me and another woman who worked in birds and someone else, I think, well, anyway, I got the job, and became the supervisor. I think the title was supervisory zoologist, was the federal title. I was known as a collection manager, because at that point, the Smithsonian said in order to be a curator, you had to have a PhD. I didn’t have a PhD, but when I got the job as supervisory zoologist, they told me I had to get a master’s degree. So I got a master’s degree from George Washington University and I chose museum studies, ’cause that seems, the zoo is a museum. So that seemed the most practical degree for me to get.