Oh no, it was, the job was what you made it. I mean, I made sure that everybody knew what I was doing. I mean, we had meetings, well, and Andy is the one who came up with the sterilization idea. And we went to Bruce and said, well, we wanna try this, you know, with the animals that were there and the Society was willing to support. We had a student who was studying fish at UWM who was in her PhD program, and she went out every day to track the deer. And we tagged ’em, and then I’d get a call from, you know, people outta Bishop’s, “Your deer’s here, come get it.” It’s kinda like, “Oh, not my deer. It belongs to the state of Wisconsin, but she’ll be leaving soon.” So, yeah, no, just make sure people know what you’re doing and they’re always very good at telling you, no, you shouldn’t be doing that, (chuckles) and you just stop. We talked about things that you may have wanted to do but couldn’t accomplish.