So that’s where the small and medium zoos can do, they can do statewide, they can do local conservation and then they, most of Milwaukee’s international programs was just contributing money to people whose programs we believed in. I mean, animals, I believe that you should support projects that, animals that are in your collection. I mean, you can have animals that aren’t in your collection that can be important, but, you know, that’s why we’ve supported Lisa Dabek, ’cause we’ve always had tree kangaroos and her work has been amazing. And just for them to know that they can count on you for $2,000 or whatever a year, year after year, makes a huge difference in their planning and they can use it to raise money from other places. So that’s how small and medium zoos can be involved. You could always find people to help you with local projects. There’s always something that you can study locally. I mean we used to do, I remember we did a small mammal survey on the Milwaukee Zoo grounds.