It’s changed to profession now, not job. But it’s changed to a profession where they don’t make enough money to support themselves. So most, so that’s, at least it hasn’t kept up, so a lot a lot of them love doing it for… A friend of my nephew’s went to high school with my nephew in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, wanted to be a marine biologist and was doing all the right things. So Stefan hooked me up with Zach and he told me what he was doing and, you know, I went over his resume and the rest and he got a job at the Miami Seaquarium, I guess. He said, “Well, you know, I don’t know whether I’m gonna get it or not. And I’m looking at the Miami Seaquarium and they had a requirement that you had to be able to swim so far underwater, and all the rest, so I said, “Make sure you can pass that.” And he was a biracial kid. He was fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese.