I don’t know what training you could have. I mean, when I ran into my animal rights problems, I had people that I knew in animal rights groups that I could call and say, okay, this is what’s going on, you know, from your perspective. But if you get someone who doesn’t wanna talk to you, you know, and doesn’t really wanna hear what you say or just is trying to wait to see what the next thing is, and most animal rights groups are trying to close zoos. And, I mean, they’ve published books about zoos in the 2000s that just talk about zoos as the way they were in the 30s and 40s. They don’t, well, most animal rights people don’t go to the zoo. When I had the big elephant controversy, my nextdoor neighbors was an animal rights activist and she wanted me to come talk to her group and I went, (scoffs) “No, Jane. (Elizabeth laughs) They don’t wanna hear from me ’cause they don’t wanna,” because I would try to explain to her what was going on and she didn’t wanna hear from me. So I don’t know whether that’s a breach that can, I mean, PETA and most of them, it’s like how all the political commercials have gotten so nasty.