We collected fecal samples for a year during, well, during Eve’s pregnancy and the vets took blood samples who could send ’em to Front Royal and they could create charts. So Patricia could just get a fecal sample from a female she suspected of being pregnant and could run the, look at the hormones in the fecal sample and know where she was in her pregnancy and sort of watch for when she was due to give birth. That’s not something that you can do and with the bonobos, I mean, the Bonobo program that I talked about before has made a huge difference in biology of animals in the wild, ’cause you can’t get your hands on them. You don’t wanna get your hands on them if you can help it. So, I mean, that’s the type of thing where zoos, I think, excel, and I don’t think they really advertise that enough or talk about it enough or the people don’t wanna hear it. I’m not sure what it is.