I think the, and again, I mean, I’ve been retired since 2007. So, I mean, I go to the Milwaukee Zoo and I’ve been there several times. I think the emphasis on animals in the wild tends to detract from the mission of the zoo and what zoos do. I don’t think they publish it, I don’t think they promote enough of how animals in captivity help animals in the wild. It’s kind of an either/or thing. And people think that zoo animals really should be out in the wild, but, I mean, we, with Baird’s tapirs, we had a female Baird’s tapir at the Milwaukee Zoo who regularly got pregnant and worked with a woman who was working with Baird’s tapirs in Belize and Costa Rica. And she wanted, National Zoo had developed a way to test fecal material to tell whether an animal was pregnant or not. Well, we were able to, I mean, the keepers were able to scratch the tapir down and the vets could take blood samples.