Most people don’t read the educational messages. I mean, I think graphics has done a lot in making them much more, I won’t say entertaining, but brighter colors, now that they can do a lot of the stuff in house, one of the most successful things that they’ve done in Milwaukee is have keeper notes. Something a keeper can write out about the animal and this exhibit, something that they think that the people would be interested in knowing. People read that a lot and see what’s going on. But people would be standing next to a sign and asking something and the information, they’d rather talk to people than they would rather talk to. That’s why volunteers are so important and having volunteer presence out in the zoo. The Zoo Pride organizations, if we ever had a problem with the, you know, animal introductions, there’s a group of trained volunteers who were there to watch the animal while the keepers get on with their work and have a radio, they can contact the keeper if something’s going on that they need to see. But I’d have signs with the poor animal watch person playing, you know, this person is watching the animal.