First or second behind the scenes weekend at the zoo, they started opening up some of the back areas at the Milwaukee Zoo. And we had a cheetah that sort of shinnied up the outdoor exhibit between tree that had grown and was on the roof of the Lion House looking down. And the person who noticed it was a photographer for the Journal Sentinel, for the Milwaukee Sentinel. (Elizabeth chuckles) He was like, “Oh my god.” And these were these, they were cheetahs, Acinonyx and Juba from Lincoln Park. So they were hand-reared cheetahs and so the vet, Roberta Wallace was the vet at the time and Val Werner is the keeper. So they had been raised by females and were always responsive to the females, so, Roberta, Val, and I went up there and whichever one it was, came over to Val and she’s petting it and Roberta was able to eject it. Luckily, and the PR person came over and was talking to the reporter and said, “We’ll give you an exclusive if you don’t tell anybody now.” And he did. So we were able to get the animal off, but that was interesting.