Well, I think education is key to everything, and changing people’s attitudes. And I think zoos already do that, and need to continue to do that, and make them aware of what is the plight of endangered species. And there’s several things involved that are beyond what a zoo can reach. I think what we can do is take care of educating, and changing attitudes within our own city or country or state. But we’re not gonna be very successful in changing things in the wild in Africa. I mean, we can work on various conservation programs, but if you’re not controlling the human population that continues to expand, and need more and more area just to live, much less area to grow crops and provide food for them. The same thing is happening in agriculture, in that we’d better be getting more efficient at growing what we’re growing, or we’re not gonna be able to feed the world with the way the population is increasing. And so there’s some things that we’re not gonna be able to reach or touch or take care of.