Well, I think you can do some things with domestic animals to allow, especially children to get to touch an animal. It’s so much different, you know, being able to touch it and hold it, to pet a, whether it’s a rabbit or a guinea pig or whatever. And so many of the, you know, I still think there’s a place for what some zoos call the farm in the zoo or whatever, because today there’s so many of the, especially in the metropolitan areas where people have no association with anything except maybe a dog, but you know, or some pigeons flying around. But unless there’s a place for them to be able to have that contact, they won’t. And you know, it used to be years ago I’d think, well everybody had a, you know, a grandparent or an uncle or somebody that had a farm that you could go and see their cattle, or sheep, or chickens, or whatever. You know, today there are kids that don’t know where eggs come from and milk comes from, and that, you know, other than the store.