And so it’s a, open up the abdomen and get in there, to remove the testicles. And he had been successful in doing a couple of them on Asian elephants. And we, I discussed it with the veterinary school, with the anesthesiologists there, with the surgeons who did equine medicine, not elephant medicine or whatever. And they said, “Well, we can attempt it.” And the reason we did it was we were gonna, the director had already made the decision to euthanize that animal. We had a pair of African elephants, a male and a female, and the male was extremely aggressive, and no longer could any of the keepers work in with it. Today I mean, most zoos have protected contact, but we didn’t have that back then. We worked in with, we had a whole troop of seven or eight Asian elephants that we worked in with all the time. And the female African elephant we could work in with, but nobody could get close to that Asian male.