I don’t know say how to say this in a good way but, especially, you know, for the veterinarians, you have a certain amount of skill, whether it be surgical skills or diagnostic skills, or whatever, that just come natural to you. I don’t know that you can, you know somebody, to be a good surgeon, you better have good hand, you know, you better be pretty good at that, and everybody isn’t. And so sometimes it was hard for me to let somebody else do something when I know I could have done that, (chuckling) you know, half the time or whatever. And sometimes early on I had to maybe jump in a little bit more, because if you have an animal immobilized or anesthetized, you don’t want them down for a long period of time. And so there I occasionally I had to, you know, “Okay, let’s get this done, and we can’t take too much time here.” But most of the time it was, you know, I guess it was part of my management skill to be able to step back and let them do something, and sometimes let them not necessarily fail, but try something different. I mean, you know, after you’ve, well if you want to de-worm the bears for instance, and I knew what I’d use, and what product I’d use, and what I’d mix, you know, ’cause you gotta figure out, “Well, what am I gonna mix this with that I can get them to consume it,” or whatever. And well let them try something. They wanted to try something, you know I didn’t necessarily, let them try, figure out on their own.