There’s a cave over here and a cave over here, and in the middle there’s nothing they can grab a hold of. So they fly from point A to point B.” And I said, “Well, how do you get ’em to fly like that?” And they said, “Well, we put food over here and we put food over there, different kind.” So they go from here, and then they go there, and then they go there. I’m like, cool, I like this. So we went back to the house, and when we designed our Kid’s Kingdom area, we built a huge 30 feet long exhibit with a very intricate cave on both ends, and in the middle it’s just a sloped area that’s completely smooth, nowhere to grab, and then it’s piano wire. I literally sat there and watched a poor fella do 600 strands of piano wire. Tie ’em all, piano wire, half an inch apart in the front, and then we put the bats in there. And they fly all day long, back and forth and back and forth. And when I left, we had some 1300 bats in that exhibit.