But we adopted that project, and support it, and we still support them. We supported them for 15 years, and sent staff over there, and work with them all the time. They come over to our place and give presentations, and educational programs and stuff about what they’re doing. They have a newsletter, all those kind of things. So it’s a very positive endeavor, and it’s something I would encourage other zoos to do. And so, but I think it’s a misconception, in some respects, that you need millions of dollars to do that, and you don’t. I mean our commitment to Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust was $10,000 a year. And then if we had the funds to do it, or we had a donor that wanted to do it, and we did, ’cause some of our donors went over there and stayed, and visited, and did tours, and worked with them, then we would, for example, we bought ’em a generator.