Well, it’s interesting, ’cause ZAA, I didn’t know about the number of private zoos in the country, but there’s literally a thousand private zoos in the country. And some of them are huge. I mean, it’s just amazing. I recently had the good fortune of visiting a zoo in Texas that’s a private zoo. You’re not allowed on their grounds unless you’re an invited guest, and it’s owned by a millionaire, and they have a fabulous collection of animals, and some of the neatest exhibits and techniques for giraffe shoots and things like that, that I’ve seen, that were just phenomenal. And so ZAA has many members who have really beautiful parks. As a matter of fact, ZAA members, a lot of the ZAA members own their own zoos and have put all their money into building their zoos. I think the long term for those zoos is that, and we help to teach people in ZAA about this, is to be sure that they have some mechanism by which that zoo is going to continue.