I mean, honest to God, they take great care of their animals. It leaves out the private owners who have their private animal collection. Good god, there’s more rhinos in Texas than there are in Africa in some parts. So it leaves out the people who have those collections, they have no organization to go to. So ZAA serves the function in allowing people who want to improve their animal care and welfare, want to improve their programs, they have a place to go. They don’t have to join this big organization, AZA, they can go to this smaller organization, ZAA, that’s inclusive, that still welcomes them, has education programs, has conferences, has webinars so they can learn, and get better, and be a part of an organization, and learn about how to get involved in conservation, learn about education programs, all those kind of things. And so I think that that’s very, very important. And it would be silly for one to disrespect the other for any reason, because there’s a need for both organizations.