Well, one of the things that we always worry about when we look at zoos at the president and CEO level is financial stability. And so I was very, very proud of the fact that one of my achievements at the Pittsburgh Zoo was that during my tenure in ’93, ’94, we passed a regional asset district tax for the zoo. So that ensured the long-term viability of the zoo and actually helped sustain us during Covid, for example, when we were closed. So we have to be able, that’s a big challenge to be able to maintain this and grow the financial stability of your zoo. And so very, very important. So it’s a big, big challenge for any zoo. Literally everything we do feeds off of that, because if we can’t feed the animals, and we can’t pay the staff, and we can’t take care of the visitors, then we can’t function, we can’t survive. And boy, Covid taught us that more than anything.