Oh, any zoo of any size can be involved in conservation these days. And then in fact, we need ’em all. If we’re gonna have a chance at saving the animals in the world, we’ve got to have everybody involved. Little zoo, big zoo, every possible way that we can reach people to get them to care, get them to fund, get them involved in conservation efforts. And that’s critically important. It’s one of the key reasons you have a zoo in the first place is to have a venue where all of that knowledge and expertise can be spread out into the community, excite people about conservation. No matter if you’re three acres zoo or a hundred acres zoo, it doesn’t matter. And what a small zoo, a medium sized zoo does, all they need to do is they just need to hook up with a conservationist, a research program, either through their local university, through their trade organization, whether it’s AZA, or ZAA, or American Humane, hook up with conservation efforts so that they can get involved in and be in support.