And one of the things we had picked up on was that we needed to be accredited to, we were getting some money from the state, not a lot, but a little bit. Some money in a line item that I had helped develop with Pete Hodgkins, the director of the Philadelphia Zoo. We had developed, founded the PA Zoo Council, which was the council that was of all the accredited zoos in Pennsylvania. And we lobbied our, I really don’t like to call it lobbying, but we developed a relationship with the legislators in Pennsylvania so that we ended up getting a direct line item for the zoos that were accredited at the time. There were six of ’em. And so we founded that organization, Pete Hodgkins and I did, that council. And so one of the things we picked up on was that we needed to be accredited to get the state funding. And so we didn’t say we had to be accredited by AZA, we just said we needed to be accredited by somebody, right.