Not nowadays, I don’t think so. Back, as I said, back in the days when I first started, it was all about the animals, and the public was an afterthought. And it became so important as we looked at trying to market, do PR, get people back into the zoos, get people interested in zoos for a host of different reasons, that visitor amenities became very, very important. And I think they’re very important because people, you have to set the stage at the ticket booth for how people are gonna view your facility. They have to, from the time they pull in, in my mind, in my opinion, my humble opinion, from the time they pull into the parking lot, you have to set that up so that they have a pleasant experience. So that they’re in a great frame of mind. “Boy, that parking was easy, man, I’m ready to go.” They get to the ticket booth, “Oh, they’re so friendly, they’re nice, they’re ready to go, and they’re welcoming me, and they’re giving me my map, and they’re telling me what I need to do, and what exhibits are open, and what exhibits are closed, and they’re very happy.” And then they get up to the restrooms and they’re clean, and they can go to the bathroom and not feel like, ugh, I don’t wanna go in there. And they can go to the snack bar and they can get a hot dog that’s not green.