And we had an older hoofstock area that was just chain link and mud, and so we really needed to work on that alone. So there was a whole lot of things going on. And then additionally, the previous administration, back in 1975, not Chuck Wickenhausuer or any of that group, but back all the way back to 1975, and I started in 1990, had severely pissed off all of the major foundations in the city. Because the zoo, at one point in Pittsburgh Zoo’s history, there was the city side of the zoo, and then the aquarium, the nocturnal house, the Twilight Zoo they called it, and the children’s zoo was built and run by the Zoo Society. So there was two halves of the zoo. And you literally paid to get in one side, but the city side was free, which of course made the city elders unhappy. But eventually, in 1975, the foundation was behind a project to privatize the zoo. 1975, all the way back then.