Well, I had done, during the time that I was at Riverbanks, I served on the accreditation commission for AZA, and actually ended up being on the AZA Accreditation Commission for 12 years. ‘Cause I was a three for, I was a three for. And so by the end of the 12 years I was a director, I was female, and I was a veterinarian. So I was a three for, I fit a lot of molds that the accreditation commission needed, models the accreditation commission needed. So I had been involved in accreditation inspections for many, many years. And so I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo for their accreditation, their very first accreditation in 1985, 86. And I went there and I met the parks director, Louise Brown, during that process of the accreditation. And I viewed, I went through the whole zoo, and my thoughts when I went through the zoo was like, it was like a diamond in the rough.