I toyed with the idea of being the CEO of a fast food company and said, “I don’t think that’s really what I want to do.” But it’s like once you’re in the CEO position, it’s kind of like, yeah, I mean you know what you gotta do to be CEO, but that’s not what I want do. So my wife Tina said, “Well, actually, what do you want to do?” And I said, “Well, I think I want to be a consultant,” because I’d set up consulting at Singapore Zoo 10 years before I left. So we actually had a consulting wing and we were doing consulting jobs for zoos in India and China, set up a Night Safari in Guangzhou in China. So I said, “I know how to do consulting. I know how to cost. I know how to pull teams together. So that’s what I’ll do,” and so I set up Bernard Harrison and Friends. Took five years to really get established, but I’ve been doing it now for, what, 20 years.