I think I would’ve spent more time studying good exhibit design at a much younger age. And obviously I’m exhibit designer, so that’s my interest and focus. I only really got into understand exhibit design halfway through my career, and it’s only really been in the last 30 years out of 50 that I’ve really sort of started to grasp what good exhibit design is all about. So if I’d been able to go back and talk to or learn from people like David Hancocks, John Coe, Bill Conway in the early seventies and understood what they were talking about because I didn’t understand what it was all about. I mean, even though you go and look at it, look at what they’ve done, I didn’t really get it, I didn’t really get it until actually much, much later on, the subtleties of a good exhibit design. So that’s probably probably one of my things that I would try and change a lot.