Yeah, I think probably what my old chairman set down as the philosophy is probably the very critical, have something to bring the public back every year. I mean, okay, you’ve got usually got two or three different markets that market segments that you’re dealing with, but your local market, which is your base market, which is within one hour traveling time of you, maybe two hours depending on how much you travel, is probably your core market. And they will come back if they’re members with children, so their friends or whatever membership you have with passes. They will enjoy your core facilities. But if you can have a new attraction on a yearly basis, that will keep bringing them back incrementally and bring in new people in. I think the tourist would be brought in with something which is different with some kind of a unique selling proposition, which is not found in the zoo and nationally or regionally, whatever that may be, whether it’s butterflies or naked bull rats or whatever. But it’s something which is different, which gets that out of town people to make that visit just to the zoo as opposed to going to a zoo or a park in their vicinity. But I think that it’s kind of like a…