As they passed milestones, they would get a bonus. And also the disincentive was, if you didn’t do these things, wow, we are not gonna fire you, but you will never see any progress. And so we started also implemented a lot more rungs on the keepers professional levels. So we had assistant keeper, keeper grade 3, 2, 1, senior keeper, supervisor, head keeper, assistant curator. So in other words, you’ve got like promotional grades. And so if guys are doing well, they’re studying, they’re bettering themselves, which for us was useful ’cause then they can read textbooks, they can read crandall, they can learn about the animals, they can introduce the internet so they’re getting better keepers. So that was one thing which was looking at the existing keepers. So as not to demoralize them because some of them been there now for six, seven years and they’re okay.