And I think that’s the purpose, really the powerful purpose that zoos have on this earth. I mean, there’s probably a billion people that are go visiting zoos around the world. And we’re sort of squandering the messages that they could be leaving with, especially in the poly-run zoo. I mean, there could be so much more messaging to just get some simple facts across. And I think people are quite open to absorbing the facts if they’re presented to them. And in fact, one of the most powerful ways to get messages across to people is through an animal show, presentation show, because they are a captive audience. It’s when you’re watching a TV program at home and the commercials come on, that’s when you go take a break and you go to the toilet and you go to make a cup of tea in the kitchen. If you’re sitting in a cinema and the commercials come on, you’re basically sitting there watching them because you don’t go out to the toilet then.