Yeah. Well, I think probably I took a little bit of… I’ve had a little bit of David Hancock’s rub off on me, and he’s sort of like a… I would say he’s a mentor and David is a very, very abrasive critic of zoos. But as over the years, I’ve come to realize that there are so many horrible zoos in the world, so many shithole zoos which are… There’s about 10,000 zoos in the world, and about 10%, about thousand, are members of WAZA, whether they’re direct members or whether they’re indirectly through their national and regional organizations. And I think most of them, but not all, I mean in Southeast Asia, I know that some of the members of SEAZA, the Southeast Asian Zoo Station are also shitholes. And it doesn’t have necessarily have to be horrible run zoos, but also just commercially run abusive institutions where I think the respect for animals and welfare is very, very lowkey, subordinate to commercialization.