I think I got thrown in at the deep end with the media from almost when I was first joined, I started being used as a voice, mainly because I was working with animals. And a lot of the times, the media wanted to look at new births and new arrivals. And so I was a logical choice to be the spokesman because I knew what was going on as opposed to the public relations people who would handle the interview, but would ask me to follow up. At a young age, I was doing a lot of media work with radio, TV journalists and was just comfortable with them. And I think created a sort of, I wouldn’t say a bond of trust, but I think they felt that I was fairly legit. Basically, I didn’t lie to them, mainly because I didn’t have to lie too much. But if something happens, we just used to say it the way it is, hippo escapes. Well, hippo escapes, you talk about had a hippo escape for 45 days in the reservoir.