And he said, “I want to thank you for naming the auditorium after her.” And I said, “Oh, it’s just wonderful.” I said, “Tell me, you know, tell me about Ms. Hawk. What did she know about the zoo?” He said, “She’d never been here.” I said, “What?” He said, “To be honest, she wasn’t a very nice person. She didn’t have a lot of friends.” And she, when she passed- She was doing her will. She was very ill, was doing her will. And he said, “She was in my office, and she had $100,000 left over.” And said, “You know, what do you want to do with this?” She said, “I don’t know.” And he said, “Well, what about the art museum?” “No, I don’t like the art museum.” “What about whatever?” “No, I don’t like that.” And he said, “Well, what about the zoo?” She went, “Oh, all right.” (laughs) And so she died and we got 100 grand. And that was actually the first what we back then called a major gift that we got. No, I got a few pleasant surprises over the years from attorneys calling about money that was left to the zoo. People, some I knew, some I didn’t.