And they launched this at a big cocktail party and a press thing in our botanical garden. And I was there just as an invited guest because it was at the zoo, so they had to invite me. So I’m standing there drinking a glass of wine and watching all this go on, and this governor’s chief of staff walks up to me and he says, “We’re gonna get koalas.” I said, “No, we’re not. We’re not gonna get koala.” He said, “What do you mean?” I said, “Well, number one, that gentleman over there, as dedicated as he is as the premier of Queensland, has no authority to bring, to get koalas to Riverbanks Zoo. That is a federal responsibility in Australia.” And I went into all the things about food and all of the challenges, and three years later, we had koalas. (laughs) It was just, it was a rollercoaster ride. Sure enough, he was not able to do what he said he was gonna do, but he was committed at that point. So he convinced a zoo in Japan that had koalas to send them to Riverbanks until he was finally able, finally able to get us some koalas from Australia. And we still have them.