At least in probably the first summer, I got the crummy jobs, the junk jobs. If a house had a cellar, then it had cellar door and cellar windows. I painted the windows and I painted the door, and it didn’t matter too much if some of the paint got on the glass there, but you didn’t want the paint on the glass of the windows when you were painting the house. And if there was trellis work or a fence, the kind of painting jobs that had to be done but they didn’t need any sealer. It was just get it on and make them look good. But my father told me, one time, when we were painting, “Always do the hard stuff first, then do the easy stuff.” And I don’t know if he was talking about painting or he was talking about life, I never asked him, but I never forgot that. “Always do the hard stuff first,” and I think that’s what we’ve tried to do, do the hard stuff first.