Bring it back, well, we didn’t have the pick up truck all day long. I said, “I tell you what, let’s get some Purina Omolene.” (Gary chuckles) What is that? (chuckles) And they’d go around to one of these places, and they go around to the grocery stores till the end of the day to get the stale bread, the leftover lettuce leave, that’s how they were feeding the zoo. They monitored the sheriff department radio. And if there was a cattle truck wreck on interstate, the zoo rushed out to get whatever carcasses were there, with their permission, and slaughter ’em. And I’ll walk into the walk-in cooler, there’s was all these carcasses hanging there. Oh, they had a wreck down on Interstate 70 the other day, and it’s gonna feed the cats, these things. And they’d hack off a hunk and throw it into the cats who would know, and then the bones would clog up the drains. Oh, you know. You know that story.