In other words, we got nothing out of NRPA. We started out as an independent organization for the first time on our own two feet with absolutely nothing. And the 10 of us on the board at the time, which included Lester Fisher and Bill Breaker and Louis Desabato, and some really prominent zoo people at the time, I was the youngest guy. I really shouldn’t have even been president then. Those guys should have been president before me, but somehow it ended up that way. I suggested that I’ll take $25 out of our billfold and put it in an envelope, and that’s the treasury. So we started with a $25 for the 10 board members for $250. And at the banquet, I said, “I will in order for us to do this, we’re gonna need to work together.” But that’s when zoo people, the comradery was just marvelous.