And it was a fabulous thing, because the whole community was involved. And the hippo would come in and people would come out to the zoo and say, I ate 500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to help earn that hippo. (chuckles) But getting people involved was great. Let me jump ahead just a moment, when we opened the, before we opened the orangutan exhibit, where we built these, structured these concrete trees for brachiation and perching, we got the visiting public, first the Friends of the Zoo members, and then the public come in to climb all these trees. And yet today I can go to the zoo, stand there incognito, see a father, come in with his little kids and say, “You know, when I was a kid, I sat on that tree perch right there where that orangutan is. (chuckles) And it’s a great thing. But Operation Noah’s Ark really brought the community together and got ’em involved. And we had other zoos contact us about doing that. And I don’t think it was as ever as successful as it was Topeka, ’cause Topeka’s a good zoo town. And they really got involved.